
Electronic reference

Pascal Foucher, Cristina San Juan-Foucher, Dominique Henry-Gambier, Carole Vercoutère and Catherine Ferrier, “Discovery of the mandible of a young child in a Gravettian level of Gargas cave (Hautes-Pyrenees, France)”, PALEO [Online], 23 | 2012, Online since 18 June 2013, connection on 18 April 2024. URL: ; DOI:

Bibliographical reference

Pascal Foucher, Cristina San Juan-Foucher, Dominique Henry-Gambier, Carole Vercoutère and Catherine Ferrier, “Discovery of the mandible of a young child in a Gravettian level of Gargas cave (Hautes-Pyrenees, France)”, PALEO, 23 | 2012, 323-336.